Chinese Horoscope 2016

2016 Chinese Horoscope for Tigers

2016 Year of Monkey Chinese Horoscope for the Tigers

( Born in 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010 )

The Tigers are in conflict with the presiding god and also are “torturing” the presiding god ( 沖刑太歲 ). The metal and wood elements are in conflict with each other. As the serious disagreement with the presiding god, there is instability in the aspects of career, wealth, relationship and health. The Tigers have the worst fortune among the 12 animal zodiac signs.

Wealth luck will be damaged or stagnant. It would appear the spending would exceed the income. This year the unlucky star “Tai Ho”  meaning  “big consumption“.  Should not have too much investment activities.

Business may be damaged or static without progress.  Avoid big investment. Business should be run in a conservative way.

Relationship :
Relationship luck is bad and would be changesl. Married couple should be patient with each other to avoid quarrels.

Be careful physical health, preventing serious illness invasion. To avoid sleeping in the  areas of  “Five Yellow” or “Two Black” disease location. Be careful car accident and metal stab wounds. Furnishings of household and corporate feng shui are a great help for all aspects of wealth, career, relationship and health, etc.