Chinese Horoscope 2018

2018 Tiger Zodiac Prediction

The 2018 Tiger Zodiac Prediction

(Born 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)
In 2018 Tiger Zodiac Prediction Tiger friends this year is the third year in a row, to receive the overall good year.


This year’s financial stability, more labor and more. Not for major investment. A lucky star “day solution” can eliminate misfortune Eritrea, good luck, do not worry.


This year, Jixing “Santai” is susceptible to the appreciation of supervisors or elders and will help the business to develop. Because of this year’s small star, in the northeast of the home to red objects of small villain right and wrong.


Feelings of this year in general transport. Married or dating friends prone to a third party, more concerned about each other to maintain the status quo.


Good health this year, good luck, pay attention to chronic diseases, foot disease and heart disease. Pay attention to diet and exercise more.